Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Menengiç Coffee

I have never been a coffee lover myself. I am more into tea. But, as family and friends are coffee drinkers and coffee lovers, I can't say no when they asked me to try this special cup of coffee called Menengiç Coffee.

Here in Gaziantep, and also many places in Turkey, people drink Turkish coffee which is dark and bitter, according to my taste. With a cup of Turkish coffee, they also have a glass of water to drink afterwards. Everytime they offered me a cup of Turkish coffee, I would say I have problem with my heart and I don't drink coffee. After I tried it, I guess the problem is not my heart but my tongue. I added about 2 or 3 cubes of sugar and the taste didn't even move from bitter from a bit sweet.

Turkish Coffee

My sister in law, then, decided to get me a different cup of coffee: Menengiç Coffee. Actually it is not really coffee as it's mainly wild pisctachios ground together. And after you brew it, you can feel the fine aroma of pistachio. It tastes a lot better, too: sweet and warm.

They said, Menengiç Coffee is coffee for women. Why? I think it would probably because of the sweet taste and aroma of pistachio. You can also drink it with milk.

Menengiç Coffee
Menengiç and Sugar at Tahmis Kahvesi

İn Gaziantep, you can visit Tahmis Kahvesi, a classic coffee shop in town, to get yourself a nice cup of Menengiç Coffee or you can browse the Old Grand Bazaar (Zincirli Bedesten) and buy a jar of Menengiç Coffee for 10 YTL. Usually, the Menengiç Coffee in a jar comes with instruction how to make it at home. And don't worry, it's written in English.

Tahmis Kahvesi

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