Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Winter Poem


Sekali-sekali mau sok puitis ah. Musim dingin kali ini benar-benar menghantui saya. Rasanya lama. Membosankan. Menakutkan. Apapun yang saya lakukan rasanya malah makin menambah beban. Aneh tapi begitulah. Lalu saya iseng menulis puisi. Ehem. Jelek-jelek gini, lulusan fakultas sastra looh. Hehe. Sebagai bonus, saya pajang beberapa foto musim dingin. Selamat menikmati.

Misty Morning in Beykent

My Winter Poem

winter days seem forever
time stands still
and those snow i remember
 i could hardly feel

the cold and the fog
the mist around the rock
the howling dog
and all that we mock

they'd be there
as always, to declare
its not time to spare
anything that you care

its a long lonely winter
a sweet yet painful reminder
life will go unbelievably slower
more than ever

be patient, my friend
with what He mercifully sent
He might as well make you bend
but amazingly never break, at the end

Beykent, 80115

Rainy Day

Another Foggy Morning

Morning After Flurries


  1. puisinya kereeeennn. kalo bisa, aku kasih 10 jempol deh.

    1. hehehe makasih mba. jadi malu ah :)

    2. aku tuh selalu iri sama orang yg bisa bikin puisi. eh bukan iri ding, tp takjub. kok bisa ya menyusun kata yang indah, berima, dan... ah... aku ga bisa :(

    3. krn ga biasa mungkin mba. klo sy pan galaunya aja 9 taon hahaha lama amat :'))
