Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Garlic-Flavored Black-Eyed Peas

When we went shopping the other day, I found a package of tofu, organic tofu, expensive but small package organic tofu. I really wanted to grab one and go home as I haven't tasted any tofu for ages. But, I didn't get it. We ended up buying half kilo of black-eyed peas. D'uh?

Ok, my plan was to make my own tofu. I thought this beans (black-eyed
peas) would make a nice one. It didn't. Later I found out that the beans we bought was called Börülce. And it was very far from Soya.

My first attempt was no good. Second one, the dough is still sitting nicely on the kitchen counter. The rest? I made them a tasty garlic-flavored black-eyed peas. And I knew I did the right thing.

Garlic-Flavored Black-Eyed Peas
Black-Eyed Peas (depends on how much you need)
Oil for frying

1. Soak the peas in water overnight and then peel them off. It would take some time but if you don't mind with the skin, go ahead.
2. Crush garlic and salt.
3. Add them into the peas. Mix well.
4. Heat up oil and use low heat to fry the peas.
5. Take the peas out of the frying pan when they are golden brown.
6. Cool them off.


  1. saya baru mikir mau bikin tahu dari kacang tunggak (black eyed peas). Tapi baca cerita ini, jadi pesimis juga hehe. Kalo dibikin tempe, enak juga, rasanya seperti tempe dari kacang kara. Di mana ya, bisa beli kedelai di Turki?

  2. alhamdulillah, berhasil menyelamatkan sebuah "kehancuran" ~halah.

    kalo kedele di Gaziantep jarang (hampir ga ada, hiks) tapi di Ankara, katanya banyak. tapi lagi mba, lebih baik ga dikonsumsi banyak2. pernah baca di http://www.unhealthyearth.com/2012/10/the-toxic-truth-about-soy.html#.UKCDYeROTSh

    1. saya di Istanbul. udah ngubek2 supermarket, ga nemu juga. yang online, stoknya habis terus. akhirnya, bikin tahunya sukses pa tdk? komposisi bahannya berapa? maaf, banyak nanya. ohya, nama saya heti. terimakasih infonya ya.

      nb. ada teman wni yang di istanbul? boleh saya kenal juga?

    2. tahuku gagal mba :(
      aku liat di youtube. dia bikin pake kedele dan berhasil. mungkin emang harus dari kedele.

      mba heti ada FB ga? ada banyak temen wni disana :)

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